Supersmile QUIKEE test

Supersmile QUIKEE test
Posted By: Supersmile Published: 21/04/2023 Times Read: 839 Comments: 0
To Investigate the Stain Removal Efficacy of Supersmile Quikee™


The purpose of this of this study was to examine if the Supersmile Quikee will remove food induced dental stain and whiten teeth.


A total of 40 patients recorded their tooth shade and then ate chromogenic foods consisting of coffee, chocolate and black berry pie. Thirty minutes after eating, tooth color was measured using the same investigators. The patients then cleaned their teeth under supervision using the Quikee.


This study concludes that an improvement of approximately 0.65 tabs over the baseline and approximately 2.83 tabs after eating the chromogenic diet was recorded. The significant improvement demonstrates that Supersmile Quikee will remove food induced stain and improve teeth whiteness. From this study it can be concluded that Supersmile Quikee will remove food induced stains and will have a whitening effect upon the teeth.

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